Building personal connections with the right travel advisors is the key to success for the properties we work with. For that reason, we use our relationship-building skills to focus on delivering cost-effective, yet worthwhile services to key advisors who specialize in the regions where our hotels are situated—from virtual discussions to face-to-face visits, and thoughtful follow-ups.
It's inevitable that digital marketing offers a high return on investment. By using our rich knowledge of marketing and social media strategies, we share the unique stories of each minted property with travel advisors in the United States and Canada. Not to mention, we enlighten them about how to present each property within a thoughtfully-crafted destination-specific itinerary.
We recognize that for us to stand out in the ever-changing landscape of travel, we must provide innovative strategies that go beyond simply educating travel advisors. Therefore, we are continually making an effort to learn and evolve, and, most importantly, remain at the forefront of our industry.
– matsuo basho